Home ForBailey TogetherAgain Date Engagement
Date part deux
If you have any idea's on how to win her back, please let me know!

When I look at you, I see my other half. The half that is smart, happy, silly, beautiful, emotional at times, and understands everything that is going on in my head.

When I look at you, I see my future. I see us growing old together and being able to have little inside nonsense jokes (jhelp, green circle heals you)

When I look at you, I see everything I have wanted but feared I would never have since I was preteen and knew that I could never find someone to love me because I wasn't good enough.

When I look at you, I see more than the sun or any Galaxy could hold. I see my love for you and wanting to be next to you for the rest of our days and beyond.

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